Guyed towers

Guyed towers are fabricated to your specifications. If you have blueprints, we will build to suit. If you don’t, our team of designers and engineers will develop the most cost effective tower to achieve your desired goal.

CommStructures guyed towers are lightweight and cost effective. They can handle several different types and sizes of antennas. Our guyed towers can be built to a height of up to 750 feet.

Guyed towers can be used for a wide rangE of applications including:

  1. Telecommunications: Guyed towers are commonly used for mounting cellular antennas, microwave dishes, and other telecommunications equipment.

  2. Broadcasting: They are also used for mounting radio and TV broadcasting antennas.

  3. FAA: Guyed towers can be used for mounting navigation aids.

  4. Military: They can be used for military applications such as radar systems, communication equipment, and other applications.

  5. Emergency services: They can be used for mounting communication equipment for emergency services such as police, fire, and rescue services.

Guyed Tower FAQs


Monopole towers


Self-Support towers