Monopole towers

A CommStructures monopole can be designed for heights up to 250 feet. We can also provide you a stealth tower such as a flagpole, tree or bell tower.

Continuous-Taper and Step-Taper Monopole

Continuous-taper monopole and step-taper monopoles with hidden internal flanges are both available from CommStructures. As with our other towers, a monopole tower from CommStructures is designed and fabricated to suit each project’s requirements.

Monopole towers can be used for a variety of applications, including:

  1. Telecommunications: Monopole towers are commonly used for mounting cellular antennas, microwave dishes, and other telecommunications equipment.

  2. Lighting: Monopole towers can be used for mounting lighting systems for sports fields, parking lots, and other outdoor areas.

  3. Wind energy: Monopole towers can be used for mounting wind turbines for generating renewable energy.

  4. FAA: Monopole towers are used for mounting navigation aids such as radar and lighting systems for airports.

  5. Observation: Monopole towers can be used for observation purposes, such as for surveillance cameras, weather stations, and scientific instruments.

Monopole Tower FAQs


Rapid Deployment tower


Guyed towers