Micropile Foundations

Micropile foundations is a type of deep foundation options used to support various types of structures, including towers. Micropiles are small-diameter, drilled and grouted piles typically used in low headroom or limited access areas. These foundations are designed to transfer the load of the structure to the underlying soil or rock and can be customized to meet specific project requirements. Proper design, construction, and maintenance of these foundations are essential to ensure their longevity and reliability.

Micropile FOundations & Tower construction

Micropile foundations are commonly used in tower construction to provide support and stability in areas with limited access or low headroom. These types of foundations are ideal for towers that require a deep foundation but have restricted access or space for construction equipment. Micropiles can be installed using specialized equipment that can fit into tight spaces, making them an ideal option for tower construction in urban or built-up areas. Additionally, micropiles are suitable for a range of soil and rock conditions and can be designed to meet specific project requirements. Some of the uses of micropile foundations in tower construction include supporting telecommunication, transmission, and wind towers, as well as providing support for guyed towers and other types of structures.

Tower Foundation FAQs


FAA Towers


Rapid Deployment tower